V1.1.3.202102212105 Fielding positions filled

A long time between sessions. I messed up the post-sim forward display trying to make it more efficient and spent hours trying to fix it. The problem was that I couldn’t revert back to the previous version because I had not made a backup after doing the fielder position logic. So it was either lose all of that work or fix it. So I chose to fix it. Which I did, seven weeks later. Unfortunately in between starting and finishing, there was a week-long camping trip, a change of computer (downgrading from 2017 iMac 27" to 2020 M1 MacBook Air) and (most disruptingly) returning to work. The first four weeks minimum after returning to work are basically a write-off timewise. As a consequence the familiarity with the code and the confidence in making a correction decreases as the time away from it increases. Ironically though in this case it only took a few minutes to come up with a solution once I sat down and revised how it worked. I did resort to a much-resented ‘band-aid’. I can justify this because it’s three lines of code (to clear three labels) that it only executes once and only at the end of simming forward to the last inning.

  1. Added code to randomly fill fielding positions.
  2. Clicking a fielder button now shows info for that player, using the existing DisplayPlayerSummary procedure.
  3. Player summary now shows fielding position for current game.
  4. Added squadNumber variable to DisplayPlayerSummary procedure so that playerToDisplay is no longer replaced with the squad order number.

As I was in between computers, I discovered that developing this on a 5K screen and then running it on a Full HD laptop reveals some… um… slight issues… in terms of form size. Something that will need to be considered in the future.


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