Baseball game dev diary version random plate appearances
- Set up as single plate appearance button with randomised ball and strike counts. Result randomised between 0 and 9:
0: strikeout
1-6: in play, out
7-8: hit, run
9: walk or HBP, run
- Output result and count to text box.
Wish I'd taken a screenshot. Just imagine three numbers in a single textbox and that's all it was.
That's pretty much it for the first version. Not my proudest moment in programming, but then again, it was probably about 11.30pm when I sat down to start. But hey, the hardest part is starting. It's all smooth sailing from this point on.
Incidentally, because it had been so long since I did any program design that relied on user input to progress through the program, it didn't occur to me that using a loop to cycle through innings would be impractical. Hence I pretty much ignored my scratchings above, and will probably ignore the below too.
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