Baseball game dev diary version improving output info

  1. Added to end of inning data output procedure to display ‘Middle of’ and ‘End of’ if 3 outs.
  2. Added simming Boolean variable so that checks can be made whether to do certain things if simming, such as outputting to the display.
  3. Moved inning suffix (st, nd, rd, th) calculation to its own procedure to avoid duplication because of point #1 above.

Going to do some testing of how long simming games will take with intention of simming 2500+ games for a season - Majors and Minors. This is going to be very interesting. Mindful of the fact that the times will be faster than expected as there is presently no AI or individual pitches.

Here's what it looks like so far - note the runners on 2nd and 3rd after a double and no runner on 1st (-1 indicates base is empty).


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