V1.1.7.202104062135 Counting pitches and more player info

Started by counting pitches to output inning pitch counts to the game log. This didn't take long so I moved on to the player creator. A lot of work done on the player creator this time around. Also began the reconstruction of the hit outcome calculations.

  1. Renamed StartPitch procedure to StartPlay and separated into two procedures (StartPlay and StartPitch). StartPlay now calls StartPitch if no pre-pitch play has occurred (eg balk, pickoff attempt).
  2. Add pitch counts to StartPitch procedure. Array was already there, just needed to add to it. Outputs pitch count for non-batting team to end of inning summary. Tested and is correct.
  3. Added complete range of attributes to player creator form and code for hitting, fielding and pitching. Presently pitching attributes do not have any code.
  4. Also added to player creator additional player info (names, height/weight, region and state/country). Presently names and state/country are randomly generated using case selection (will eventually read from a database to significantly cut back the code).
  5. Also added throws / bats / player type randomisation. Throws and bats will need to be more closely dependant on each other – need to work out randomisation for batting based on throwing. Extremely less likely they will be opposites. But still possible, eg de Grom bats left and throws right; Matz bats right and throws left.
  6. Added in procedures to calculate vertical (-180 to 180 degrees) and horizontal (-90 to 270 degrees) hit angles and exit velocity. They don’t actually do anything with the calculated numbers yet but the intention is these will be the first step in determining hit types (instead of hit types starting as single, double, groundout, flyout etc).


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