V1.2.0.202104122145 Player database!

After a few days of figuring out how to interact with a database, I’m finally confident that I can interact with a database using code-generated SQL.

  1. Linked the player creator to an external data source (presently using a 2004 version MS Access file).
  2. Player creator generate player button reads a random first name and surname and (state or country) from separate tables.
  3. Player creator now has a button to save the randomised player to the database.
  4. Player creator also has a button to save randomised players to database in bulk (user-specified number). Temporarily used a pop-up input box just to get it working. Tested out with 100 players – took 10 seconds.

Player data is incomplete at present (eg no pitching attributes) but the basic structure is complete and fields can be added/changed as required.


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