Baseball game dev diary: V1.0.2.202012232200 Lineup listboxes put to use and line score

  1.  When selecting a player in the lineup list boxes, that player’s info is shown in the player info box. Switches between the two lineups and base buttons (last player clicks deselects any player selected in the lineup) effectively.
  2. Reset game button text changed to ‘rewind game’ to better communicate its purpose (rewind to top of the first, no outs, same lineup). 
  3. Fixed bugs when reset game button is clicked, the player info did not clear if showing, and the lineup listboxes did not repopulate after being cleared.
  4. Array of buttons created for game log form, for line score. Procedure added to increment it by one, which will be added to extra innings code. 
  5. Recreated listboxes for lineups as array of listboxes. 

Short demo video showing player info when clicking bases, on deck, in hole and lineups, as well as innings being added to line score (presently a button but will be made automatic when extra innings are required. 


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